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June 23, 2017

Server Update

Steams' update servers seem to be stable now. We plan on updating our server at 03:00 AM (MT) on 6/24. This update should take roughly 10 minutes to complete.

June 23, 2017

Ark Update

*Update* It seems changing our download region from (some random server in the US) to Washington DC fixed our issue. Still have to see if we can connect to the server though after our computers update.

There seems to be an issue with Steams servers right now in NA. Doing a quick search on the forums and it seems changing your download region could possibly fix the issue. However depending on the update it might still prevent you from joining any "out of date" server. Also there might be specific region patches for games. So for now I guess we wait.Click Here

June 20, 2017

Server IP change

After the new service was installed we were given a new public IP. A few players were able to join with no issues but most players can not see the server because they are still trying to connect via the old IP. Click the link and follow the steps with this IP: Click Here

June 18, 2017

Server Downtime!

There will be a planned upgrade on June 20th (around 3:30PM Mountian time) that will take about 45 minutes. This is to improve internet upload and download speeds. Once finished the server will be back up and ready for you to be mauled by terror birds.

June 18, 2017

A Webpage is Born

After hitting random keys for 30 minutes we now have our website up and running. There are a few things to add but that will come in time. But for now I'm going to get some Z's. This really isn't news worthy but I don't like blank pages. D:



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